Heavenly Treasure
Preponderance of Malachi 3:17 birthed this song. We hope your spirit would be lifted as you listen.
Blessed is the man who endures the flame,
Through trials and sorrows, steadfast he remains.
The winds may howl, the waters may rise,
Yet he stands unmoved, with faith in his eyes.
For the fires that test are not sent in vain,
They refine the soul through struggle and pain.
And when he has stood, when the storm is past,
He’ll wear the crown of life at last.
A crown not of gold, nor jewels that gleam,
But the promise fulfilled of Heaven’s great dream:
For those who love God, who long for His face,
Will find in His arms eternal embrace.
Laid up for me is the crown of the just,
Bestowed by the Lord, in whom I trust.
The righteous Judge, on that final day,
Will wipe all tears and cast fear away.
“They will be my people,” declares the King,
“My treasure, my joy, to whom I will cling.
When judgment comes, I’ll spare them still,
As a father spares a child who fulfills his will.”
So press on, dear soul, though the road is steep,
The harvest is near for those who keep
Their eyes on the prize, their hearts above—
Crowned forever with righteousness and love.