*A lot of us struggle with our health; The Lord is our healer and He is more than able to restore you back to health. You will find healing in His Secret Place.
In the shadow of the Almighty
Where angels sing their lullabies
I find my solace softly calling
Underneath the endless skies
[Verse 2]
Sheltered from the storm's aggression
Held within His gentle grace
In His wings I find protection
In the warmth of His embrace
Healing in His secret place
Whole again in love’s sweet rays
My heart’s refuge every day
In His care I'm here to stay
[Verse 3]
Whispered vows and sacred quiet
Hold me close when night's unkind
Every fear and tear He's quieted
In His peace my soul will find
Faithful shelter true and holy
Every breath a gift of light
In His rest my spirit wholly
Safe till morning turns to night
[Verse 4]
His truth my constant shield and shelter
Fortress in the fiercest gale
Though the night grows ever darker
In His arms I shall not fail